Math functions


Returns the absolute value of its argument, i.e. the positive number with the same magnitude.

Math.abs(-42) ⟹ 42

Math.abs(123) ⟹ 123


Returns the square root of its argument.

Math.sqrt(4) ⟹ 2

Math.sqrt(2) ⟹ 1.4142135623730951


Returns the minimum of its arguments.

Math.min(10, 20) ⟹ 10

Math.min(2, -3) ⟹ -3

Math.min(0.5, 0.25) ⟹ 0.25


Reteurns the maximum of its arguments.

Math.min(10, 20) ⟹ 20

Math.min(2, -3) ⟹ 2

Math.min(0.5, 0.25) ⟹ 0.5


Returns its argument rounded down to next whole number.

Math.floor(1.1) ⟹ 1

Math.floor(2.9) ⟹ 2

Math.floor(-10.3) ⟹ -11


Returns its argument rounded up to next whole number. (“Ceil” is short for “ceiling”.)

Math.floor(1.1) ⟹ 2

Math.floor(2.9) ⟹ 3

Math.floor(-10.3) ⟹ -19

Math.floor and %

When dealing with positive numbers:

Math.floor(a, b) * b + (a % b) ⟹ a

I.e. Math.floor gives us the whole number of times b goes into a and (a % b) gives us the remainder.


Math.abs - absolute value

Math.sqrt - square root

Math.min - minimum value

Math.max - maximum value

Math.floor - round down (toward -∞)

Math.ceil - round up (toward +∞)